Obesity Care Requires Teamwork,
and it starts with YOU!
Patients with obesity have experienced weight stigma and bias in many settings, but perhaps the most harmful to their overall health is the bias they face from healthcare providers. Experiencing weight bias in a healthcare setting may keep patients from seeking care in fear of being blamed and shamed for their weight. Healthcare settings should be bias free and accessible for everyone, and people with obesity deserve a supportive partner in their journey to improved.
There are more than 130 million Americans with obesity. It’s time for you to become a driving force for changing how society treats people with obesity.
Take Action!
Learn how to talk to your patients about their weight and health:
- Download: Use This Guide to Get Started (.PDF)
Learn how to ensure your office is bias-free:
Get listed in the Obesity Care Providers Locator:
- Get listed: Click Here
Your Voice, Your Power: Urge Key Decision Makers to Prioritize Obesity Care!
- Sign the OCW2023 Letter to President Biden!
- Urge Your State Decision Makers to Prioritize Obesity Coverage!
- Urge Your Federal Decision Makers to Prioritize Obesity Coverage!
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