Toolkit: Social Media

Thank you for using your social media platforms to promote this important awareness campaign!

To get started, please make sure to follow Obesity Care Week on social media:





Additionally, please find sample posts below that you can use in different social media platforms:

(to Copy & Paste)
(Click to download full-size)
Recruitment (1/28-2/26)
(Save the date)
Save the Date! Obesity Care Week is coming soon! #OCW2023 is an annual awareness effort that aims to increase understanding of obesity and improve the ways we care for those affected. Visit to learn more and sign up for alerts! #OCW2023
(Save the date)
Save the Date! Obesity Care Week is coming soon! #OCW2023 is a week that focuses on education and action to change the way we care about obesity. Visit to learn more and sign up for alerts! #OCW2023
(Sign up for Alerts)
Obesity Care Week is just around the corner! Visit today to sign up for alerts and to learn more about the resources and activities happening during #OCW2023!
Week-Of (2/27-3/3)
Join us in Supporting
(Monday 2/27)
#OCW2023 Starts today! It’s time to change the way we care about obesity – please join us in supporting this important awareness week by visiting to learn how you can take action!
(Week long)
[INSERT ORG NAME] supports Obesity Care Week – will you join us? #OCW2023 is a week dedicated to changing the way we care for and about obesity! Visit to learn more!
(Week long)
[INSERT ORG NAME] encourages our members and allies to join us in supporting Obesity Care Week! #OCW2023 is an important effort to raise awareness about obesity and take action to expand access to care and stop weight bias! Visit to learn more!
(Resource Promotion)
Understanding the complexities of obesity is the first step in changing the way we care about the disease. Check out Obesity Care Week’s newest resource: What is Obesity? This brand-new factsheet will guide you through obesity causes, treatments and so much more! #OCW2023
(Resource Promotion)
Patients, do you want to learn how to talk to a medical professional about your weight and health? Check out Obesity Care Week’s resource of the day – Weight Management: Starting the Conversation with Your Healthcare Provider! #OCW2023
(Resource Promotion)
Healthcare providers, do you want to learn how to talk to your patients about their weight and health? Check out Obesity Care Week’s resource of the day – Ready to Discuss Treatment Options for Your Patients Living with Obesity: A Guide to Get Started! #OCW2023
Info/ Stats/ Issues
What is obesity?
Obesity is linked to more than 200 diseases and disorders, including stroke, cancer, diabetes and hypertension. Successful obesity management is about health, not weight or appearance. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023
It’s time to recognize obesity as a complex, chronic disease that should be treated with the help of a medical professional – just as we do with other illnesses and chronic diseases. Find resources about obesity at #OCW2023
It’s time to recognize obesity as a complex, chronic disease that should be treated with the help of a medical professional – just as we do with other illnesses and chronic diseases. Find resources about obesity at #OCW2023
Obesity is a disease like any other… but one without the compassion and urgency to expand access to science-based and FDA-approved treatment options. We must make changes to ensure that people with obesity have the same quality level of care that is offered for other diseases! #OCW2023
“Eat less and move more” is not the cure for obesity. Obesity is a disease that requires life-long care and a broad range of science-based treatments. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023
Key Topics
As our scientific understanding of the disease of obesity grows, it is more important than ever for people affected to create a partnership with a trained and compassionate healthcare provider who can help you manage your weight and health. #OCW2023
Hurdles in accessing obesity care impact some people more than others. #OCW2023 aims to remove the antiquated barriers to care which are rooted in bias, ensuring that everyone has access to the treatments they need on their journey to improved health. Visit to learn more and get involved!
Despite extensive research and studies, stigma and misperceptions continue to shape the way people with obesity are treated medically and generally in society. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023
Weight Bias
#OCW2023 is the time to increase our understanding of obesity and the stigma attached. It’s past time to #StopWeightBias. Visit to learn more and take action today!
Weight bias is negative attitudes and false beliefs about people who live with obesity. A lack of sensitivity and bias can lead to delayed medical appointments, lower quality care, and worsening health. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023 #StopWeightBias
Despite extensive research and studies, stigma and misperceptions continue to shape the way people with obesity are treated medically and generally in society. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023 #StopWeightBias
Access to Care
#OCW2023 is working to remove the unnecessary hurdles that prevent people from getting the care they need. Learn more and take action by visiting #OCW2023
Each person with obesity walks a different path in their journey to health, and having access to multiple treatment options is critical to their success. It’s time to change the way we care about obesity! #OCW2023
Childhood Obesity
Obesity is the most common chronic disease of childhood, and children report weight-based bullying now more than ever. Now is the time to act and ensure that children can access the care they need! #OCW2023 #StopWeightBias
Patients of all ages deserve access to high quality healthcare coverage and comprehensive treatment options for obesity regardless of when they decide to seek help from a medical professional. #OCW2023
Take Action
During #OCW2023, learn how to improve conversations with your patients about their weight and health! Visit to learn more!
Patients, it’s time to TAKE ACTION! Head over to to search the provider locators and find a qualified and compassionate healthcare professional who can help you reach your goals. #OCW2023
Healthcare providers, it’s time to TAKE ACTION! Visit to get listed in the provider locators as a qualified, compassionate obesity specialist who is ready, willing and able to help their patients manage their obesity. #OCW2023
Healthcare providers: Is your office bias free? Find resources during Obesity Care Week to help ensure that patients struggling with obesity feel welcome and comfortable. #OCW2023
Finding the right medical team is critical to success. #OCW2023 wants to help you take the next step on your journey to health. Visit to find a physician who specializes in obesity care near you! #OCW2023
**Promote on Monday 2/27** Take ACTION during #OCW2023! Contact your state decision makers and urge them to expand access to care in state health plans!
**Promote on Wednesday 3/1** Take ACTION during #OCW2023! Contact your Congressional representatives and urge them to expand access to obesity treatments!
**Promote on Friday 3/3** Take ACTION during #OCW2023! Sign the Obesity Care Week letter to President Biden urging him to make comprehensive obesity care more accessible!
Social Media Frames
Facebook Frame 1080×1080
Facebook Frame 1080×1080
Week After: Thank You & World Obesity Day (3/4-3/11)
(Saturday, 3/4)
World Obesity Day aims to increase awareness of the root causes of obesity and encourage advocacy for change. Now is the time to change perspectives and talk about obesity. Visit and to learn more and support this important day of global advocacy for obesity care. #OCW2023 #WOD2023 #ChangingPerspectives

For additional resources and graphics about World Obesity Day, click here

Thank you for helping change the way we care for obesity by participating in #OCW2023! But wait…your job isn’t finished just yet! Please help us continue building momentum all year by getting involved with an OCW Champion organization. To learn more about these organizations and their important work, or to sign up, please visit:
Thank you for supporting #OCW2023! Don’t forget to sign up for alerts so that you’ll be the first to receive updates about #OCW2024! Visit to sign up today!

Additional Image Resources

If you wish to create your own graphics, you can find FREE and non-stigmatizing visuals that represent individuals with obesity in the following image banks:


If you have any questions, please email us here